What a busy day we had today! The Toddler friends had a great time this morning exploring our beautiful outdoor environment. From shooting hoops on the forte to digging in the sandpit and exploring some preserved bugs, the Toddler Friends were activity engaged all morning. Once we transition inside, Miss Leesa and the children sang our good morning songs and our Acknowledgement to Country. The children then transitioned off to morning tea where warm custard, muesli and fruit were waiting for the children.

Miss Jen then  arrived for our weekly Funky Feet dance session. Vaughn was the first one on the mat, grooving along with Miss Jen. Harry, Harvey and Luca soon joined Vaughn and jumped on the ‘bed’ to 10 Cheeky Monkey’s Jumping On The Bed. The children then danced along to the Freeze song, Shake Your Tail Feathers and various other songs.

The children then  prepared to go outside by putting on sunscreen and hats. Miss Jess had a special activity set up for the children outside. Yesterday Miss Jess put some dinosaurs in the freezer in different coloured water! The Toddlers rushed outside to find the water trough full of sand, rocks and frozen dinosaurs. They then picked up a cup of water and started pouring it over the dinosaurs to start to melt the ice. Ivy picked up one of the frozen dinosaurs and said ”its cold Miss Jess”. Quinn was pouring the water onto the edge of the sandpit and into the sand, before comparing the texture of wet sand versus dry sand. Latika used a scoop and was taking the water from the trough and pouring it into a cup and used that to pour over the unmelted dinosaurs.

William soon decided that the water was too cold for him to play with, so he moved into the warm sandpit. Dominic, Charlotte and Ivy soon joined him in the sandpit, digging away. Soon most of our friends were in the sandpit, digging, together, mixing and pouring sand through their fingers. We then decided to move down to the bottom yard for a quick play before we transitioned indoors. Harry and Lachlan found the magnifying glasses and were exploring their environment in a closer view.

Such a super busy day! Have a fantastic weekend everyone

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Thais & Miss Jess