Welcome families and friends to another fabulous day of fun and play in the Toddler rooms. Today we recognised National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day. Our friend Vaughn came along to kindy this morning with Indigenous inspired face paint which all his friends admired. Miss Leesa prepared an art experience for the children where they were given the opportunity to express their creativity with the oil pastels to design and create patterns and pictures, using Aboriginal artwork as inspiration. Miss Jess then researched children’s Indigenous music for the children to sing and dance along to. Yarn time today William requested the ‘train’ books and Kaylee and Harvey requested the lego blocks for building. The children had a wonderful time building and constructing and showing off their masterpieces. Other play experiences today included role play with the doll house and singing some of our favourite songs and rhymes while using the finger puppets.

Have a great weekend…

Hope to see you all at the open day tomorrow…

Miss Leesa & Miss Jess