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Happy Thursday families and friends…

Today in the Toddler rooms the children were very excited to make their way outdoors to explore and play. This morning the children had wheelbarrow races around the bike track. The children giggled as they raced and tried to overtake each other on the track. Dominic and Harry noticed two horses in the back paddock today as they played on the stage. Harper and Colton  observed that one horse had a blue coat on and the other horse was brown with no coat on. We decided the horse with the coat was staying safe from the hot sun. The children then collected river rocks from the garden so we could all have a turn painting them with water colours. The children have been having so much fun engaging  in outdoor art experiences this week and utilising the outdoor environment as their inspiration for their creativity. The children painted the rocks all different colours just like the rainbows we spray painted earlier in the week. The children then gathered with Miss Thais to play a game of ‘we’re going on dragon hunt’. The children pretended to hide under the fort in the sandpit and then ran away when the dragon was coming. The children then discovered another place to hide in the playground. Other outdoor play experiences today included riding the 3-wheeler bikes, playing follow-the-leader along the obstacle course and engaging in sensory sand play with the diggers and dump trucks..

Until next time…

Love Miss Thais, Miss Danna, Miss Gabbi and Miss Leesa