Hello and welcome to ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ in the Toddler Rooms…
Today we continued on with enjoying the great outdoors as the children happily explored the playground and engaged in a variety of fun experiences. The children kept busy with water play at the sinks, filling their buckets to the top and then pouring them into each others buckets. Banjo, Willow and Harry collected sand and bark in their hands and sprinkled the materials into the buckets of water and Lachlan.B noticed the sand was sinking to the bottom. Henry noticed the horse in the paddock rolling on his back and Colton called out to the horse as it made it’s way to the fence. The children were delighted when he popped his head over the fence. Lachlan.H noticed the horse had a mask on to protect his eyes.. Miss Leesa then encouraged the children to go on a nature walk to collect natural materials for our outdoor art experience today. Luca, Harper and Kezia discovered dried leaves, bark, twigs and sand and carefully placed them into a bucket. Miss Lyn collected the brushes and glue and after morning tea the children worked collaboratively together to create a ‘Garden Collage’. Harper and Colton noticed the glue and leaves were sticking to their fingers as they collaged together.
The Toddler children have been having so much fun engaging in outdoor play and their gross motor skills have definitely been improving over the past few weeks. The educators have observed that the children’s confidence when climbing and balancing on the obstacle course and riding the bikes has come a long way. Tomorrow we are going to have some outdoor running races and wheelbarrow races and continue on with our outdoor art experiences.
Until next time…
Love Miss Steph, Miss Lyn and Miss Leesa