Hello and happy Friday everyone,

Today we started our day in welcoming; Quintin, Halle, Lara, Delilah, August, Bella, Luna, Liz, Myah, Ariana, Abel, Thomas, and Ruby into Toddlers one. Our friends ventured outdoors together this morning to enjoy spontaneous play with one another. Our friends have been showing great interest in the sand pit each playing and digging together they also love the swing with them all saying “higher, higher” and zipping around the bike track on the balance bikes we have.

Miss Maddi sat us down for group time today were we got to enjoy our favorite “follow that tiger” book and an animal’s book brought in by Ruby which all our friends loved all pointing out each animal they saw and the noise each one makes. We then sang together “hello how are you” and did our acknowledgement to the country.  Before singing “bee bee bumble bee” to transition inside to wash our hands ready for some yummy morning tea which was “Amazing chickpea, sweet potato and Tahini muffins”.

After morning tea, we all sang a big happy birthday to Liz as today is her birthday!! Before Miss Thais gathered us around the table to help make some delicious cupcakes! Our friends were extremely excited to help. Before beginning Miss Thais grabbed all the ingredients needed and asked each of our friends what each item was, with our friends pointing out that they saw a “mixing bowl” , “cupcake holder” and “2 eggs” needed for our cupcakes. Our friends then each took turns in pouring the cake mixture into the bowl and mixing it all together. Our friends are getting particularly good at waiting their turns and using their listening ears.

Once we finished making cupcakes together Miss Jeni then came for Funky Friday Dancing! Our friends love dancing together all moving their bodies to the music and following steps with Miss Jeni to each song. We then grabbed our hats and made our way outdoors for another run around outside. Before coming inside to have “Fantastic Mexican Fajita’s” for lunch. Our friends loved this for lunch today all asking for more.

We are now resting our bodies, see you all very soon😊

Much love; Miss Thais, Jordan, and Maddi