What a day we all had today! We spent the morning outside while the last few Toddler friends had their photos taken. Miss Jen then arrived for our weekly Funky Feet dance lesson. The children danced along to Baby Shark, The Freeze Song and Sleeping Bunnies before dancing around copying Miss Jen with the maracas. After a delicious morning tea of freshly made custard, muesli and fresh fruit, the children were treated with a show. The workman were here renovating the other bathroom and the Toddlers were fascinated by Mr Peter and the plumber. The children watched them intently as they pulled up the floor, ripped out a wall and put in some structural beams.
A few friends than asked to build with some Lego. Everyone raced to the mat and dove straight into the bucket to collect their desired pieces. They sat happily building on the mat until it was time to tidy up for Yarn Time. A few of the children chose some of our special books such as ‘Jolly Olly Octopus’ & ‘Brown Bear’. Ivy enthusiastically told Miss Leesa that “I have those pictures on my computer” as they read Jolly Olly Octopus. The children then transitioned to the tables where they had a filling meal of chicken balls with roast veggies and mashed potato.
Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess