Good afternoon and happy Monday!
We hope your had a beautiful, relaxing and safe weekend!
This morning, with open arms we welcomed; Abel, Ruby, August, Millie, Halle, Charlie, Luna, Archie, Liz, Diego, Abraham, Mohid and Delilah! Outdoors this morning we enjoyed saying hello to the horses, watering our plants, the swing, racing on the bikes and digging in the sandpit! After enjoying a calm morning of spontaneous play we sat down in the warm sun to read “Tom goes to the Toilet” – this books helps us to encourage and start conversations about toilet training. The children have been showing a lot of interest in the last few weeks by taking their nappy off and sitting at the toilet.
After making our way indoors and enjoying “blueberry quinoa breakfast bar” and bananas for morning tea, we felt rejuvenated to start group and activity time! As today we are raising funds for the RSPCA, we decided to explore the “science of baking” by making cupcakes whilst help towards a good cause. Before the indoor activity starts we decided to go quickly outside just to be more prepared and confident. Miss Maddi and Jordan set up the “Baking activity” in the sandpit first to the children get more familiar and explained to them what’s going next when we all transition to indoors again.
The children loved the baking experience today. The children have been improving a lot their baking skills by holding the container and using the whisky. To extend the “Science” topic this week the children got involved in another experience by creating the cupcake colored. We use different colors – red, purple, yellow and blue. During the activity, the educators asked the children what color they were using. The children answered the colors very confidently.
Before our lunch, we read the book “Big bird’s color game” together and practice more colors! The children also enjoyed the yoga outdoor with their Toddlers One friends. They have been improving a lot their yoga skills! We sang “Hammer hammer” and “Bee bee”. Lunch today was “Vegin baked Mac and cheese”. The children showed good skills while were feed themselves by using the spoon or fork and packing away dishes and drink bottles. They also enjoyed helping their friends during this time.
The children walked to their beds after lunch and Delilah, Abraham and Mohid had a quiet time exploring cars, trucks and blocks in the book corner.
Get tuned for more fun activities this week!!
Miss Thais, Maddi and Jordan