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Another beautiful playful morning around here – The sun was shining, and we began our day with our friends having so much fun in the yard.

Ryan and Poppy were entertaining Grace taking turns to roll on the green cylinder cushion. The sink/ water play was getting a makeover with Mr. Peter fixing it, so this was very intriguing for the children. Mr. Peter was using his spade to shovel the sand and bark mixture out from under the deck to clear the pipes. So then the children were getting the buckets from the sandpit area to bring over and fill up with the sand and bark that was filling the stream.

After we sang our good morning song and acknowledgement to country Grace picked the Princess book and Luca the construction book before we transitioned to morning tea. After morning tea we participated in our own fire drill practice and acknowledged road safety as part of national road safety week.

Then, we came back inside to start construction on our motor vehicles. We used egg cartons for the body of the car and caps for the wheels. The glue wasn’t working to keep the wheels on so we used blue tac. Also, today we had Christmas themed yoga doing stretches to jingle bells.

Friendly reminder for parents down to have parent teacher interviews tomorrow….

Enjoy the pics from miss Steph and miss Otavia.