Good afternoon everyone and Happy Birthday to Obi!!
What a wonderful morning we had together. This morning we welcomed Ariana, Millie, Quintin, Luna, August, Lara, Isabella, Halle, Liz, Diego, Obi, Thomas, Delilah, Ruby and Abel into the room today. We started our day off exploring outside together, with Abel, Millie and Diego showing interest in the balance bikes all racing around the track. Luna and Delilah showed great interest and role playing in the sand pit baking for one another. Lara, Bella, Liz, and Ariana loved playing on the see-saw all taking turns and Ruby, August and Halle loved sitting together and reading through different books. Obi, Thomas and Quintin loved running through the playground discovering all the different things. Once we all enjoyed some spontaneous play it was time for Arakan! They all loved joining in all using their listening ears so well and participating in all the different activities. We then all gathered for group time where Miss Maddi read to us three different books which were “toilet time”, “wheels” and “dino-shapes” before all singing “hello how are you” and “bee bee bumble” together to transition inside for morning today we got to enjoy “delicious pumpkin, chai and apple waffles”.
After we had finished our morning tea, we all ventured outside to enjoy the fresh air. For our activity today we extended on learning about dinosaurs. Thankyou to Ruby for bringing in your own dinosaurs from home for us all to play with!! With Rubys dinos we made our own sensory tray creating an exciting environment with sand, trees and timber blocks. Afterwards we had a celebration for Obi’s birthday in the sandpit, we all sang “Happy Birthday” with Miss Thais and shouted “Hooray for Obi!” We then had a beautiful time for free play with one another before making our way back indoors to fill our tummies with Delicous Loaded Vegan / Chicken Butter Chicken!
We have had a beautiful day together and will see you soon.
Much Love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi xo