Hello and happy Thursday families and friends! Today we welcomed our new friend Willow to the Toddler One Room. We hope you make lots of new friends and have fun learning and playing. This morning we continued on with dinosaur play due to the children’s interest. Evie, Harvey and Harper had a wonderful time engaging in role play as they pretended the colourful dinosaurs were eating the leafy trees. The children then moved onto play with the large dinosaurs as they discovered the dinosaurs legs, arms and mouth could move. The children then worked together to pack away and then settled on the mat for our Acknowledgement to Country and morning songs.
After morning tea the children chose to transition to the art area for some more drawing. Today the children utilised the big sheets of paper, along with the crayons, to create some wonderful drawings. The children then moved on to complete more of their Fathers Day present. We’re not going to show many photo’s in case we ruin the surprise! Harvey asked to build with the Lego. Miss Leesa brought it over to the mat where the Toddlers started building.
After a busy morning of playing and learning, the children transitioned to the mat for Yarn Time. Here Miss Leesa used the puppets as she and the children sang along to some of the children’s favourite Nursery Rhymes such as Incy, Wincey Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat and Twinkle Twinkle. It was then time for a delicious lunch of Mini Shepard’s Pies with a yummy salad.
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess