Happy Tuesday Families and Friends 🙂 Warm welcome from Toddlers 1
What a wonderful playful and learning morning we had in the toddlers room today. We began our day outside playing with our friends from Toddlers 1 – Luca and Colton chose to ride bikes around the playground. Poppy and Chanel pretended they were driving a car – Ivy chose to do some climbing – Banjo and Henry explored around looking for sticks and rocks – Harrison, Henry and Grace had fun exploring the sensory play basket that Miss Gabi had setup with Oats- flour and Animals Toys – Our friends absolutely loved the sensory play and also that free play time in the playground.
With this sunny and warm weather we decided to enjoy the yard and had a picnic style morning tea. After washing hands our friends sat down in a select part of the playground and had very yummy coconut cookies and fresh fruits for morning tea – was a nice and relaxing time.
After morning tea was time to explore our inside environment and our friends couldn’t be more excited for it – As soons as they get inside our friends went straight away for self selected areas – Chanel, Luca and Banjo picked the cuddling areas and started building with blocks – Everlea tried to balance little people on top the big ball, Ivy and Poppy played in the home corner and Colton and Miss T`arn made a train track and much more.
Also this morning we had a craft experience time – Our friends always get very engaged in paint activity so Miss Gabi set up a different way to paint today – We had SQUEEZE paint experience. Sensory art experience- as a paint is a creative, emotion and based activity for toddlers – this experience associated with the squeeze bottle helps our friends to develop fine motor skills, hand and finger muscles and hand-eye coordination also supports cognitive development. Developing creativity encourages toddlers to think about other situations in different ways and show up their creativity. Well done friends our pictures are just beautiful – We are so proud of our squeeze skills. 🙂
We are planning to fill in the rest of our afternoon outside enjoying the sunshine – playing in the sand pit, on the equipment that engages the children in a happy free play time.
   Check out the photos
With Love xx
Miss Gabi and Miss T`arn