Hello , happy Tuesday and welcome to toddlers One!
Today in our room we enjoyed the company of Ariana, Ruby, Abel, Millie, Quintin, Halle, Liz, Luna, Thomas, Charlie, Diego and Archie. Winston and Loki from babies also enjoyed a play with us!
Outdoors this morning we said a cheerful good morning to the horses, dug big with the diggers and practiced our two wheel balance bikes! We are loving the warm weather at the moment out in the toddlers yard!
For transition time this morning; we sat down together and started off with a calming mediation. We put our hands on our hearts and said to each other “I am Kind, I am Loving, I am Gentle and I am Brave” and Finished off with reading “Roadworks” with Miss Maddi. Then for morning tea; we filled our tummies with Make My Own Banana Split – it was delicious!!
For group time today we moved into 3 groups – in the side yard with Miss Jess we practiced recognizing colours with our coloured stepping stones. In the sandpit with Miss Jordan we scooped sand into funnels and watched as the sand flowed into bottles – we were so intrigued by this. It’s a good activity to develop children’s fine motor skills and concentration. Indoors with Miss Maddi we enjoyed sculpting with natural playdough! Afterward we all met back together in the side yard and balanced on the obstacle course and kicked the soccer ball around together.
Before transitioning back indoors to fill our tummies with Superhero Pizza Rolls Miss Thais lead the group time where we talked about emotions and feelings. Miss Thais showed different faces to the children and asked them to recognize the emotions and what make them feel happy, sad, angry and scared. Was a good time to talk to our friends and educators about feelings.
See you this afternoon everyone!
Much Love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi x x