Hello families and friends and welcome to another wonderful day of fun and play in the Toddler Room today…This morning after an adventurous play in the great outdoors, the children transitioned indoors for our Acknowledgment to Country and morning group songs. The children have been doing so well with settling on the big purple mat to sing along to our morning greetings and learning our new transition songs to wash hands. The children then enjoyed fresh fruit and mini muffins for morning tea. Yum!!!

This week we are going to be celebrating the season of ‘Spring’ as we share songs, felt stories, books and art/ craft experiences. Today the children all gathered on the mat to share a book entitled ‘The Very Greedy Bee’. We discovered that the bees like to collect pollen from the pretty spring flowers, however the greedy bee slurped too much pollen and couldn’t fly anymore. Tomorrow we will be making our own bees to display in the room. Yarn time today we also shared some of our favourite songs and rhymes using the felt stories. Today the children chose ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you See?, which encourages the children to identify and label all different types of animals, their sounds and colours.

Play time today the children happily worked in small groups and pairs as they built farms, buildings and transport vehicles with the Lego set. Miss Steph worked alongside the children to build a home for the dinosaurs. The children practised their fine motor building skills as they created tracks for the magnetic trains and we all sang ‘Down by the Station’. Role play in home corner was popular today as the children used their imagination pretending to be chefs and mummies and daddies as they took care of the baby dolls.

WOW… What a super fun day of learning and play in the Toddler room today…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess