Good afternoon from Toddlers One!
This morning we started off outdoors welcoming; Ruby, Bella, Quintin, Archie, Ariana, Halle, Archie, Liz, Luna, Thomas, Winston, Loki and Charlie!
Yesterday, Bella arrived to Kindy very excited about a bug she found at home so, we set our topic for this week as bugs! This morning Miss Thais arrived with some very exciting and new bug activities for us. We started off our outdoor play this morning by discovering and learning about our new bug toys. We talked about what bugs we already knew the names of and learnt some new names too!
When it was time to transition indoors Miss Jordan read “Big Book of Big Bugs” – there were lots of beautiful drawings, pictures and fold out pages inside! Afterwards we sung “Bee Bee” to move indoors and enjoy Rawsome Avocado Chocolate Slice for morning tea!
For group time this morning we split into two groups of indoor and outdoor play. Indoors; we enjoyed home corner cooking with beautiful new cooking toys, and on the tables we had a bug activity where we needed to problem solve how to save the bugs that were taped down on cardboard – it was a mission but we figured it out!!
Outdoors we discovered a fun bug sensory tray; filled with bark, sand, leaves and water! It was fun to role play the bugs and make various sound and noises with them! Afterwards we all met back outdoors together for spontaneous play and to release more energy!
After we were worn out we sat down in the shade for a drink break and time to calm our bodies down. During this time, we read “Roadworks”, “My Little Bear” and sang a couple of our favorite songs before transferring inside to enjoy “Superstar spelt pizza rolls” for lunch, which we ate all up!! We are now resting our busy bodies ready for another fun afternoon together, see you all soon!!
Much love; Miss Thais, Jordan, Maddi and Storm x