Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the book week in Toddlers One Room. Today the educators welcomed the children dressed up as “Thing One”, “Thing Two” and “The Cat” from the Book “The Cat in a Hat”. Ruby was dressed up as Moana, Archie was “The Cat”, Ariana was a mermaid, Liz was a princess, August was a dinosaur, Charlie was Jessie from Toy Story, Isabella dressed as Wonder Woman and Luna was a Flintstone and Abel dressed as a fireman. We also welcomed Millie, Halle, Diego, Thomas, and Abraham into our room this morning.
We started the morning off indoors due to the weather. The children explored the musical instruments and role-played in-home corner. Luna and Thomas were very interested in reading and looking through the books we have in our book corner.
Miss Thais played “Mr. Crocodile is hungry “before our morning tea where the children pretend to feed the crocodile puppet and name all the fruits while they were choosing it from the basket. Miss Maddi read to us the book “Never touch the dinosaurs” that August brought in from home to share with his friends. We transitioned to the toilet after “Bee bee bumble bee” and made our way to sit at the table for “Homemade beans on Sourdough Turkish”.
After enjoying our morning tea, we got to chose out of three different activities that were set up for us to explore. For our first activity we got to explore and built different things out of playdough, on another table we got to create castles and houses out of magic sand and for our last activity we had a table based around “Cat in the hat” were our friends got to enjoy arts and crafts and gluing. Our friends all loved these different activities with all of them having a go at each station.
After playing inside with one another, the sun finally came out!! So, we all ventured outside for a big run around to release all our energy, our friends loved exploring the outdoors all gravitating towards the sand pit, and two wheels bikes. After enjoying spontaneous play outdoors we all sat together were we sang “ I had a tiny turtle”, “hammer hammer” and “bee bee” to help transition inside for “Rainbow sushi bowl”. We are now all resting our bodies ready for another busy and fun afternoon outside with our Toddler two friends. See you all soon 😊
Much love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi xo