What a Terrific Tuesday we all had today! Our day began outside where Connor enjoyed some time just laying on the bridge like a hammock. Rosie discovered the Dino-saw and the obstacle course before joining Connor in the tent to read some books together. While William sat digging in the sandpit with his trucks, Harper went shopping. She collected the rocks and other bits and bobs from around the yard and placed them in her shopping trolley.
Before long we had transitioned inside for morning tea and a special surprise. After our morning tea, we all gathered around the table and sang Happy Birthday to Kyro! After the birthday boy blew out the candles (twice!), Miss Jess served the yummy cake to all our friends. The children then moved off to various activities around the room. Rosie, Ryan, Ivy and Kyro all made their way to the art table to do some drawing on the chalk boards. Colton and Harper made their way to the train basket and started building. Before very long, a few other friends came over to build with them. Taran explored the sensory blocks which all have different items in each block to create different sounds. The Toddlers then spent a fair bit of time moving between Home Corner, Book Area, the train tracks and Art Area.
Miss Leesa then put on some music and gathered the ribbons for the children to dance with. She started teaching them how to play Musical Statues. The Toddlers had a blast dancing around, twirling the ribbons and giggling with their friends. The Lego was then placed onto the mat for the children to build with. There was lots of farms and houses built this morning! Miss Leesa than read the children ‘Brown Bear’ and ‘Wombat Went A Walking’ for Yarn Time, as well as singing some requested songs.
Until next time,
Happy 2nd Birthday Kyro! Enjoy the rest of your birthday.
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess