Hello everyone and welcome to another day full of fun and learning here in the Toddlers Room! Today we welcomed our new friend Colton. We hope you have a fantastic time here. Our day began outside, in the bottom yard. Here our friends Evie and Ivy spent some time in the sandpit, measuring, pouring and watching our other friends play. Harvey spent a bit of time going through the tunnel. But he had to have his book with him. We then transitioned inside where it was time for morning tea. The Toddler friends sat down to a delicious platter of mini muffins, fresh fruit and banana chips. Yum!

The children then moved from the table to various activities around the room.  Harvey went straight to the Lego and found the truck he loves. As he was accessorizing his truck, Joseph found another one in the bucket. He drove the truck around the mat until it ended up in the cubby house. The dinosaurs reappeared on the mat this morning where Harper and Ivy were role-playing with them. Colton chose to join in their play and the three Toddlers enjoyed making the dinosaurs stomp around, have dinner and see who could ‘ROAR’ the loudest. Ryan saw the book ”My Dinosaur Dad” and sat down on the mat reading while listening to his friends roar.

It was then time for yoga with Miss Gabby. Our new friends Willow and Colton chose to sit and watch with Miss Nikki. Ryan was right into yoga. He copied every pose Miss Gabby showed the children with enthusiasm. A few friends chose not to participate in yoga, they instead sat down with Miss Jess and finished off a bit more of their fathers day presents. For Yarn Time Miss Nikki read the children some books including My Dinosaur Dad and The Very Hungry Bear. She then brought out the puppets which Willow enjoys watching. The children sang along with Miss Nikki until it was lunch time.

Love Miss Jess & Miss Nikki