Hello friends and welcome to another day of playing and learning in our lovely Toddler One Room. Today we welcomed our new friend Conner into our room. After our Acknowledgment to Country and morning songs, the children transitioned to morning tea. We had some yummy muffins with fresh fruit. Delicious! Once the children had finished eating, the children moved off to various experiences around the room.

Colton, Joseph and Conner spent quite a while role-playing in Home Corner. Harvey, Ryan and Evie sat around the art table together and drew. Harry and Harper later joined their friends at the art table for some drawing. Kyro discovered the mirrors and was laying on the mat pulling funny faces and giggling at himself in the mirror.

Dinosaurs are very popular at the moment, and that was certainly very evident today. Ryan ran straight up to the dinosaurs on the shelf and was roaring at his friends as he took his dinosaur to the mat, where it was chomping on some leaves for a snack. Miss Jess extended on this interest by providing the children with some green playdough, some small dinosaurs and various wooden loose parts play items. Joseph became very excited when he saw the playdough as he danced around the table saying “playdough!”

Soon it was time for yoga with Miss Gabby! William squealed when Miss Gabby came in and rushed to help her unload her trolley of yoga mats and props. The children had a blast following along to Miss Gabby’s instructions, songs and rhymes. Once yoga was finished, the children assisted in packing away all of the yoga gear back into the trolley. Before lunch, the children engaged in Yarn Time with Miss Leesa as she sung songs and rhymes with the puppets. The children then transitioned to lunch where they had delicious chicken and salad wraps.

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Jess & Miss Nikki