Hello Parents and Families 🙂 Happy Tuesday 


A warm welcome from Toddlers 1 


Another wonderful day to explore and spend time with our friends in the Toddlers classroom! We started our morning in the playground with our friends from Toddlers 2 – Played with the diggers- Swinging in the Swing  – “cooking” in the sandpit and riding the little bikes were the most favorite experiences in the yard this morning. 

The time goes so fast when you have fun then it is time to pack our toys for the outside area and come inside for Toilet time / Nappy Change/ Washing hands and also morning tea. Probably our friends had a very hungry tummy this morning because everybody loves the beans on the toast that we had for Morning tea today! 

Also, this morning the children were so excited to explore the room and engage in a variety of experiences. For our activity time today 

we divided the children in two small groups this morning – because we truly believe small groups are better to support our little friends. Inside the classroom the children had the opportunity to express their creativity – Miss Steph set up a very nice table with different colours of painting and with the children making their handprint to pretend to be a wing for a bird. The children get very engaged in the experience and also Miss Steph could to work. The children had the opportunity to learn about the color and improve the speed with new words. 

Outside Miss Gabi set up a “Dino – Dig” sensory play in the sand box . “Dino – Dig”  is an excavation kit when the children should discover the dinosaur skeletons that were digging in the sand with little plastic sieves to get the sand off. Well done my littles archaeologists, we guys have done a great job!! The children took turns in between these two spaces and at the end of all this we all sat together on the mat to carefully consider the adventures of the “Gingerbread man” in a story time. 


The children also enjoyed exploring and engaging with the following activities: Babies, Home corner, Building with blocks, Cars and much more. 


Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big play outside in the afternoon! 


Check out the photos 


With Love


Miss Steph and Miss Gabi