Happy Friday families and friends…
What a wonderfully busy day of fun, learning and play in the Toddler room today… We started our day in the great outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather and taking turns on the swing as we sang some of our favourite songs and rhymes. Harper and Harry then started counting how many butterflies were fluttering about the playground. The children and Miss Leesa counted six butterflies while were swinging on the swing. Conall, Parker and Colton then decided to have a turn on the 3-wheeler bikes. The children raced each other around the bike track and then Harry and Harper joined in and Harry pretended to be a policeman as he directed the children on the bikes when there was a ‘traffic jam’.
Indoors the children were excited to engage in transport play and share the new emergency vehicle toy cars. The children identified a police car, a fire engine and an ambulance as they engaged in role play with the transport stations. Colton requested the ‘Fire Engine’ song as the children played, sang and practiced very good turn taking skills. The children then settled on the mat for yarn time. Today we shared an abundance of wonderful stories including ‘Horaay for Fish’, ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘Guess What Colours?’ and ‘I Do Not Eat the Colour Green’, a story about a little girl who does not like to eat any foods that are green, until one day she goes to a party and discovers that she does like green grapes, apples and broccoli. Harper said, ‘I like broccoli’ as we shared the story. The children also enjoyed role play in home corner, puzzle play and construction building with the lego set.
Well it was definitely a happy and super fun day with all our Toddler friends today,,,
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa