Good afternoon toddlers one and two family and friends!
We have had a fabulous Friday to finish off this beautiful week. We begun this day by welcoming all our toddler friends with warm welcoming cuddles and big smiles. It was such a bright and beautiful day outside, so we decided to make it an outdoor morning filled fun with riding bikes up and through the yard, climbing up and down the playground structure, building tall sandcastles to then knock over and swinging back and forth on the swings. Luna had so much fun digging up the sand and transferring the sand from one container to another.
After all that fun it was time to sit to read a book with Miss Maddi. Miss Maddi asked the children what book they wanted to read with her, and Abel picked us a fun little book called ‘the construction book’ filled with a different kind of trucks and construction equipment. We all loved looking through this book and learning all about construction. Once we had finished Miss Jordan sung us a few of our favourite songs at the moment called ‘open, shut them’, ‘wheels on the bus’ and ‘bee, bee bumble bee’ to transition into washing hand and getting ready for morning tea.
We continued our day outdoors and had our morning tea outdoors all together at the table. For morning tea, we had a scrumptious bananarama split. After all our yummy food we cleaned up and packed away our thing and continued to play in the yard.
Miss Hope brought out a fun creative experience for the children to take apart in, they had the chance to paint the sky and anything they saw in it. We did this by placing down plastic mirrors on the floor and giving the children blue paint and a paint brush to paint onto the mirrors what they saw in the sky from the reflection. Miss Hopeasked Jackson what his was painting and he replied with “the sky”.
We then washed our hands and got ready to have some delicious lunch. We had a fun day Friday roast up with a delicious salad bar.
Thank you all for an amazing Friday we hope you all have an amazing weekend, and we hope to see you all next week.