This morning we welcomed; Augie, Charlie, Diego, Obi, Myah, Liz, Archie, Luna, Ruby, Abraham, Lagertha, Mohid and Loki and Winston came for a play too! Outdoors this morning we enjoyed the fresh spring air and found some peaceful activities ready for us. We had the opportunity to engage in reading on the mat with Miss Thais, sandpit cooking or spontaneous play!
As today is International Dot Day we started off transition time with reading “The dot” with Miss Lyn followed by singing our “Bee Bee Bumble Bee” to move indoors to eat some Avocado Chocolate Slice for morning tea!
During group time today, we split into 2 groups for an outdoor and indoor activity. Indoors with Miss Maddi and Miss Storm we enjoyed dot painting with pastel colours, we enjoyed using our fine motor skills to carefully made different colours dots on framed paper. Outdoors with Miss Jordan and Miss Lyn we also used our fine motor skills and imagination by making our own pictures with dot stickers! A few of our pictures were; Ruby made an “Elephant”, Abraham made “the beach” , Liz made “Mummy and Daddy” and Charlie made “A boat”. We love seeing their imagination in action!
After group time we gathered together by the door to sing a big happy birthday to our new friend Loki as today he is turning 2!! Afterwards, we all enjoyed some free play outdoors together before transitioning indoors to fill our tummies with Moreish Italian Mushroom, Spinach, Ricotta and Spinach Lasagne for lunch!
We will see your out in the yard this afternoon for pickup!
Much Love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi X