Happy Wednesday!
Today we welcomed Myah, Lagertha, August, Millie, Diego, Charlie, Liz, Ruby and Abraham. We started our morning off releasing our energy outdoors. We enjoyed the swing and building in the sandpit. Ruby made a cake in the sandpit and sang happy birthday with August and Millie. Diego played with the Thomas train in the sandpit. Liz and Millie enjoyed the two wheels bike and Miss Thais also helped Liz with her balance. Abraham enjoyed dinosaurs this morning. Myah and Charlie enjoyed climbing on obstacles. Lagertha was engaged with the blocks and building tall towers.
Before our morning tea, Miss Thais sang our “Good morning song” and “Hello how are you”. Liz and Charlie already got the actions from the song and we all sang so loud. We listened to Miss Thais read “Construction” today. We also discuss the digger and trucks and Abraham also mentioned the colour of the digger by saying “yellow”. Miss Thais also read the “Toilet Time” book and Millie and Ruby also told Miss Thais and Jordan that they are using the toilet at Kindy and at home.
Was morning time we all went indoors and for our activity today we have two tables. We did painting with Miss Thais and could select what colour we wanted to use. During the painting, Miss Thais also asked the children what they were painting. Millie said “Mummy and Dodo”. Ruby then said “It’s mummy and Dad”. August painted a snake. Charlie said, “It’s a hat. It’s pretty”. Lagertha painted baby shark. Myah painted a whale. Liz loved to use all the different colours and she also said “blue and green” during her painting. At the other table with Miss Jordan we used our imagination to create some fire trucks by drawing on the cardboard boxes. Abraham and Diego were so engaged at this time! Other activities that we enjoyed today were building a train set, baby dolls and our construction trolley.
Time flew as we were all having so much fun! We then transitioned outdoors and enjoyed the nice weather and free play with our friends before we sat down together and sang our famous bee bee with Miss Jordan before our lunch!
Love Miss Thais, Jordan, Maddi