Happy Wednesday and welcome to September!
Today we welcomed Millie, Abraham, Luna, August, Halle, Lagertha, Liz, Charlie, Archie, Obi, Myah, Abel and Mohid into toddlers one on this beautiful day. This morning we began our day playing outdoors enjoying the warm sunshine. Our friends enjoyed playing catch with the bouncing balls, roleplaying in the car together and building and exploring the sandpit with all our friends. Before we knew it, it was time for group time. This morning we all sat together and sang “hello how are you” and “I had a tiny turtle” to help transition inside for some delicious morning tea.
Today for our activity time we all sat on the mat where Miss Thais sang and roleplayed “5 little monkeys” which our friends loved!! All singing along and all having a go at each character. We then split into smaller groups to enjoy spontaneous play, Miss Jordan took a few of us outside where we got to enjoy playing with the toy cars and firetrucks, Miss Maddi took a group to do some beautiful paintings and Miss Thais set up baby dolls on the mat for us to enjoy role play with baby dolls. The children enjoyed changing nappies, feeding the baby dolls, bathing, and putting the babies to sleep.
After enjoying some indoor play all together, we decided to venture outdoors to enjoy the gorgeous day outside. Were we enjoyed sliding down the slides, dancing on the stage, baking in the sandpit and riding the bikes around the bike track together, time truly flies when we all are having fun!! It was then time for us to go inside to eat up the yummy lunch that was prepared for us, today we got to enjoy “homemade shepherd’s pie” which our friends ate all up and sat longer at the table.
We are now resting our bodies to get ready for another fun spontaneous afternoon with one another, see you all soon.
We also want to say a massive thankyou to all our beautiful special gifts we received today, it truly means a lot!
Much love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi xo