Welcome families and friends to ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ in the Toddler One Room. Today our friends Ryan and Harvey came dressed as some of their favourite book characters as we continue to celebrate ‘Book Week’. Harvey proudly showed off his batman costume as he pretended fly with his cape. While Ryan came dressed as ‘Catman’ which is obviously a blend of batman and a cat. Ryan role played and pretended to be a cat and tickle his friends with his tail.
This morning after our acknowledgement to country and morning tea the children were excited to explore the room and choose their favourite play spaces. Ryan and Harvey spent time expressing their creativity at the drawing table using the pencils, chalk and crayons to create patterns and pictures. Harry, Harper and Ivy soon joined in and the children had a lovely time engaging in conversation and practicing their turn taking skills as they passed the drawing materials to each other. Well done friends! Joseph and Ivy spent some time engaging in role play in home corner. Joseph happily set up the table with plates and pretend food and then blew on the food and said ‘hot’ as he pointed to the carrots in his bowl. Ivy said, ‘I cook too’ as she joined Joey in his imaginary play. Harry then made his way to home corner to take care of the baby doll in the highchair.
Joey then transitioned to the doll house and Harper joined him to set up the house with furniture. Miss Jordan worked alongside the children as they role played. Ryan later engaged in play with the farm animals as he carefully placed them all in a row and made the sounds of the animals. All the children were very excited to join in the fun when we happily inherited a cubby house for the room. The children all took turns playing peekaboo out the windows and decided to collect puzzles and books to share and play with in the cubby. Miss Leesa had fun taking a turn in the cubby too.
Yarn time today the children gathered on the mat to share ‘My Dinosaur Dad’ story book again. We thought this story would be a fun read due to the children making special gifts all this week in preparation for Father’s Day. Then as an extension on sharing the dinosaur book Miss Leesa discovered some fun dinosaur puppets and scenery for the children to share and engage in play. The children noticed the dinosaurs were all different shapes, sizes and colours as Harry and Harvey said, ‘ROARRR’ just like the dinosaurs in the book.
WOW… What a super busy day of fun and play in Toddler room today.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess