Hello families,
Welcome to Toddlers One Room! Today we welcomed Myah, Abraham, Mohid, Parker, Loki, Obi, Valencia, Isabella, Liz, Archie, Olivia, Diego, Luna, August and Charlie. We started our morning exploring the room and engaging in the activities that were set up at the table. The children loved to play with shapes on the felt board and explore the construction area with construction books, diggers and blocks. Later in the morning, we transitioned to outdoor where we engaged in the sandpit with Miss Thais and also pretend to drive a car and “going to the shops to get some ice cream”.
Before we transition indoor, we read the book “Toilet Time” and had a conversation about what we do when we go to the toilet. It’s a nice way for the children to start to use the toilet and get more familiar with it. The educators have been encouraging the children to sit at the toilet. The children are getting really excited about going to the toilet and sharing their goals with educators and friends.
After morning the children got invited for “The Bug show” in the Toddlers Room and the children got really excited sitting on the floor with Toddlers Two friends. They also got the opportunity to see and touch the bugs at the end of the show. After touched few different bugs we transitioned to the toilet to wash our hands properly.
To extended our Bug topic from last week, the children got involved in two different bugs activities. Indoor they found different bugs little creatures and wooden pieces to extend their role play and imagination and outdoor they also found a mystery box with big bugs and sand inside to play with.
Time flew and was time to play outdoors, ride bikes, and get ready for lunch.
Love MIss Thais, Jordan, Storm, and Jin