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Happy Wednesday Parents and Families 🙂 

Another beautiful and playful day around here – Today we began our morning inside the classroom with our friends – Looking for their self interest toys with the favourite experiences around here this morning being blocks for building, creating a house for the animal toys and dancing. 🙂

The time flies when we are having fun with our friends, then it was time to start our morning routine – Toilet/ nappy change – washing hands and get ready for morning tea time and group time.

After morning tea was  time to go and explore the environment outside. Miss Gabi took the children in a selected part of the playground that was in the shade so that the children were protected from the sun. Also was a good opportunity to remind the children about the importance of using sunscreen to protect them even further and provided an opportunity to foster their self esteem by them doing their own skin care. There our friends had so much fun playing with transport toys such as diggers and trucks and also catch and throwing balls.

After our big play in the yard we continued exploring and learning around here. In our group time today Miss Gabi read the book ” Pepa`s Christmas” the children carefully sat down on the mat to listening to  the adventures of Peppa pig. They loved the book and loved the page with santa on it saying ” look it’s Santa!! ” and ” it is a Christmas tree” our friends are loving Christmas.
Extending the children interest for Christmas and sensory play – after our group time – the children were invited to make their own Christmas gift in the playdough table.

Wooow what a busy morning we had around here today – It was so much going on, so much noise, so much smiles and laughs and so much fun .

Now our little friends are resting on their bed – listening to quiet songs and relaxing for one more adventure this afternoon!!! 

With Love

Miss Gabi and Miss LaraÂ