Well…. What a wonderful day of fun and play in the Toddler room today.. This morning the children had a fabulous time exploring the great outdoors. William and Kyro worked together to build tall towers with the large Duplo blocks on the back of the outdoor truck. Connor spent time building with the large soft blocks as he helped Miss Leesa identify the shapes and colours of the blocks. The children then worked together to pack away the outdoor environment as we all joined in and sang the pack-up song.

Indoors the children gathered on the mat as we shared our ‘Acknowledgment to Country” and good morning songs. The children are doing so well with singing along as the older children assist in teaching the younger children in the group all our favourite songs with actions. Yarn time this morning we also continued on with sharing our picture flashcards and matching game. Ryan, Harvey, Kyro, Connor and Ivy were very excited to show off their matching pairs as they identified the pictures.

Play time today the children happily set about playing in small groups and pairs as they engaged in a variety of child-initiated play experiences. Harry and Colten enjoyed each others company as they built a Lego tower on the back of the truck, then clapped their hands gleefully as their tower grew higher. William and Ivy spent some time together identifying and negotiating roles during home corner play. William politely invited Ivy to have some dinner he had made. Harper, Harvey and Harry worked together to create a picnic on the mat. Miss Jess joined them as the children pretended  to eat and engage in conversation. Ryan and Harvey then moved onto construction play as they built a farm with the Lego set. Ryan pretending that all the animals were sleeping on his farm. Harvey then transitioned to the drawing table and Colton and Ivy soon joined him to draw with the crayons and express their creativity. The children proudly showed off their works of art to Miss Leesa. Kyro and Joey soon joined the table and happily drew pictures with the crayons. Joey said, “Daddy” and pointed to his picture, and then confidently placed his picture in his bag. Kyro and Joey also enjoyed soccer with Coach Clayton this morning as they practised their ball skills and followed directions from the coach as they played. Well done friends…

Wow… What a  super busy day of fun and play in the Toddler room today..

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess