Happy Wednesday families and friends…. This morning in the Toddler room the children were excited to explore the great outdoors. Climbing and balancing on the obstacle course was very popular as well as playing follow the leader on the fort. Harvey, Kyro, Harper and William had a wonderful time jumping from the platform onto the soft fall mat.
We then transitioned indoors for our Acknowledgment to Country and good morning songs. Ryan and Harry have been helping Miss Leesa and Jess teach some of our new friends the actions to our morning songs as well as our handwashing songs. Miss Jess taught the children a new transition song entitled ‘Wibbly Wobbly Woo’. Morning tea today the children enjoyed delicious fruit ice blocks and fresh fruit. The ice blocks were very refreshing after a big play outside and the children really enjoyed them especially our friend Harry who had two! Yum…
Play time today we continued on with dinosaur play due to the children’s ongoing interest. Ryan requested the playdough and all the children gathered around as Miss Leesa prepared the table with dinosaurs, wooden logs and the bright green dough. Connor sat down next to his new friend Ryan and the children role played as they pretended the dinosaurs were eating the green playdough on the logs.
Other play experiences today included building transport vehicles with the Lego, drawing with the pencils, crayons and chalk at the creative table, and sharing one of our all time favourite storybooks for group time entitled ‘There’s a Hippo on our roof eating cake’…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess