Good afternoon families,

Welcome to Toddlers One Room!

Today we started our day greeting our friends in the big yard with a lot of opportunities to explore the environment. Books, musical instruments and a sandpit were the children’s choices. We then decided to transition inside the Room because it’s getting hot outdoor. We had a big drink of water and more play inside the room where was a good opportunity to see the children’s interests.

For our Group Time today, Miss Thais sat down on the mat inside the room and sang some songs “Hello how are you”, “One little finger, two little fingers” and Millie and Onyx asked the song “Bee bee bumble bee” and then wast time to wash our hands and sit at the table for morning tea.

Today we split the children into three different groups and different activities. We continue learning about shapes, so the children could explore what they have been learning and practise more! Miss Thais was playing in the felt board with different shapes and colours, Miss Jordan was in the popular playdough table with different shapes and MIss Maddi was in the Art&Craft table doing some collage with different shapes with the children. As soon they did the activity they swap the tables and everyone had the opportunity to play and learn and different stations. The children are doing really well!! They also liked to help their friends and wait for their turn!

Before our lunch, we had more Group Time where Miss Thais read the Book about feeling “Happy” and “Lonely” and asked the children who were happy today. They all said “Me”. Miss Thais also did the puppet show where the children laugh and we had wiggles dancing to spend some energy before lunch and beds.

Was a fun day of learning and play in Toddlers One today!


Love Miss Thais, Maddi and Jordan