What a wonderfully busy day of fun and play in the Toddler room today. This morning for yarn time we shared a book about a little lady bird and his farm animal friends who work together to save the cow that lived in the shed entitled ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. The children also chose some of their favourite songs and rhymes as we all sang along to Galomp, Little Turtle, 5 Little Speckled Frogs and Row your Boat and used the hand puppets. Today the children were also given the opportunity engage in role play with the recycled mobile phones to further extend on William’s interest with playing make believe and pretending to ‘work’ like mum and dad. The children had a lovely time engaging in pretend conversations with each other and their family members. We also continued on with our sensory play experiences as the children practised their fine motor skills kneading and manipulating the magic sand to create shapes and patterns. The children then transitioned outdoors with Mr Daniel for their weekly ARAKAN session to release some energy before settling at the table for our delicious lunch of lamb kofta and fried rice. So yummy…
Until next time….
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess