Today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph welcome our friends Quinn, Luca, Willow, Lachalan, Alexia, Everly, Dominic, Alanis and Conall.
Today outside Miss Shelby set up a easel with some paper and coloured crayons, this was enjoyed by many of our friends today with Quinn, Luca, Lachlan, Willow and Dominic sharing the easel board to draw on the paper. Miss Shelby also added some animal figures into the sand trough which Dominic and Luca were happily looking at what animals they could find in the sand, up on the deck area Lachlan, Quinn and Dominic sat looking at the alphabet magnets and placing them on the white boards.
We had a very special visitor today with Mr Horse coming to say hi from next door, he kept on pocking his head over the fence. The children were so excited to see the hose with them all pointing to the horse and saying ” nay nay”. Willow waved ”Good Bye” to the horse saying ”bye”.
After morning tea we joined Miss Shelby for group time where she welcomed us for the day by singing a good morning song, when it came to saying hello to Quin she responded by waving, she also waved hello to Luca and gave him a cuddle. Conall said ”hello” when Miss Shelby said ”good morning” to him and asked Miss Shelby for a cuddle saying ” cuddle please”. Willow also waved to her friend Conall and Alanis. Miss Shelby also read ”Superchimp” where together we talked about what we could see in the book.
Today Miss Steph made some green play dough with the children for our jungle sensory play area as we are creating this area to further extend on some of the children’s interest of the animal figures, the children helped to mix the play dough together on the table. Miss Shelby took Lachlan, Everly and Alexia outside where they helped collect materials around the yard to go with our jungle area. Everly use her words to say to Miss Shelby ”more” when helping to collect the leaves from the grass area. Miss Shelby then created our jungle sensory area and it was then time for the children to explore this new area. Conall and Alanis pretended to feed the animals some of the bark with Conall saying ” no you don’t eat rocks”.
The Jungle sensory area allows the children to explore, imagine and create using the different materials, it also encourages them to explore and investigate using their sensory skills.
Other interests of the children were Conall role playing in home-corner how to wash his hands, Everly was pretending she was going shopping with the handbags. Alanis chose to do some drawing, Alexia and Lachlan were showing kindness to the baby dolls as they were pretending to put them to sleep in the craddle and Miss Shelby thought it would be a good idea to create a car ramp using the wooden pieces from our jungle area which Luca, Lachlan and Everly joined in with moving the cars along the wooden piece. Dominic started using the elephant blocks to move along the wooden piece so Miss Shelby started singing ”little elephants balancing” .
We would like to say a big Goodbye to Quinn and her family as today was her last day, we are going to miss you so much.
Miss Shelby and Miss Steph