What a great day the Toddler Friends had today! Our day started off in the great outdoors playing in our fabulous yard. Today the children engaged in various role playing scenarios using the babies and the cars as inspiration. The children used crayons to create some wonderful masterpieces. While other children chose to navigate the balance beam and bridge.
After the children had finished their morning tea, a few friends ran over to the mat and tipped out the bucket of trains. They started building a track and after a few minutes asked Miss Jess to help them. It wasn’t long before the children and Miss Jess had created a massive train track for the special electric train to go on. The children watched as the train went around the track, over and under the bridge. A few times the train ran off the track and the children eagerly put the train back onto the tracks.
A bit later, some of the children noticed that Miss Jess had put some watercolour paints on the table, along with some maraca themed paper. Asher came over and said “Maracas just like the book up there” as he pointed to the book Alpacas with Maracas. The children took turns painting their paper with the watercolours, talking about various things from the book to what they like to play with at home.
Soon it was time for ARAKAN Martial Arts. Mr Daniel took the children outside for their weekly session. The children engaged in a range of games designed to teach the children to focus and follow specific instructions. When everyone came inside, Miss Kate read a few more books for our Yarning Circle before Miss Leesa served us up a delicious meal of Nachos! All our Toddler friends enjoyed the nachos so much so that there was none left!

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Jess & Miss Kate