Happy Thursday families and friends… What a super fun day of learning and play in the Toddler room today. This morning in the great outdoors Asher, Zander, Ellie and Harvey engaged in role play with the dinosaurs. The children had so much fun that we decided to bring the dinosaurs indoors for continued play after morning tea. Miss Leesa discovered two dinosaur themed storybooks for  yarn time which Miss Lyn shared with the children along with some of our favourite Thomas train books. Home corner play was popular again today as the children took turns with the recycled materials as they pretended to cook and clean and be shop keepers. Kaylee then requested dancing for her and her friends so Miss Jess searched for some of the children’s favourite tunes and the children danced in pairs and showed off their dance moves. Other play experiences today included doll house play, animal puzzle play, building shape towers on the light table and singing the children’s choice of songs and rhymes with actions.

Until next time..

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess.




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