Happy Monday we hope you all had a wonderful weekend, today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph would like to welcome our new friend Noah and his family to the toddler two room and to the centre. We also welcome our friends Chanel, Henry, Alanis, Luca, Willow, Parker, Alexia and Lachlan here today.
We started out day inside due to the rain outside , when Miss Steph arrived we washed our hands and then sat down for morning tea. During morning tea time Alanis and Chanel used their manners to say ”more please” when they wanted more fruit. Miss Shelby and Miss Steph were singing the wheels on the bus and Twinkle, twinkle little star while all our friends were enjoying their fruit and crackers for their morning tea. Alanis put her hands up in the air while Alexia showed how she can do a diamond with her fingers.
This weeks room goal is for the children to pack away after meal times, encouraging them to put their left over food into the rubbish bin and drink bottle into the drink bottle container. They show understanding of where to put their left over food and where their drink bottles go, demonstrating self-help skills and independence.
Miss Steph brought in a truck book, our friends Chanel, Alexia, Lachlan, Parker, Luca and Willow came over to join Miss Steph to look at the book together.
Luca was happily playing peek a book with Miss Steph over the toy cupboards,while ducking down and then standing up to see Miss Steph he said ”boo” . Miss Shelby extended on his interest of playing peek a boo by reading Peek a boo Let’s play. Miss Gabbi sat with Luca and a small group of friends to look at the book, while looking at the book Chanel pointed to the cat and said ” there” Alanis pointed to the panda hiding under the flap and said ” found you” and Luca was copying Miss Gabbi saying ”peek a boo ”. Noah was busy exploring the plastic cups in home-corner where he was pretending to fill up the cups from the tap amd Henry was riding around on the wooden bike that we brought inside.
Miss Shelby and Miss Steph