Hello all and welcome to the beginning of November. How time flies when your having fun?

This morning we started our day off with a bang in the babies room with Luca being the first to arrive. Then heading down to our room we were blessed with the presence of Kezia and Dominic. We then were greeted with Lachlan not long after that. Then we were just waiting for Latika to arrive. Charlotte and Quinn had a play next door with our Toddlers One friends for today. Once we had all arrived we headed next door into the Toddlers One Room for Funky feet dancing. We worked the ‘dance floor’ (purple mat) and the room with pom poms and a cheer. Then we all lined up for a go of hop scotch, which was a little tricky.

Once we had finished dancing we came back inside to watch the ‘spider’ (Fake spider) ‘making its web’ from the ceiling. Luckily it didn’t land on our heads.

Then Miss Thais intentionally set up the car mat as it is so popular with the children’s interests and joy.

Later in the morning we had more dance. Luca and Kezia danced together holding their hands.



It was then time for feather tickles and a relaxation before lunch. We even took it in turns at giving each other a gentle go.


We were then off for a sleep ready for our Mummy’s and Daddy’s.

Thank you for coming to our Halloween party yesterday! it was great to see the families and children wearing costumes!

Love Miss Thais and Miss Steph