Happy Friday to all families of the Toddlers Two.
Welcome one and all to our Toddler Two Olympic Games of 2021 here at Riversdale Early Learning Centre.
Wow what an incredible day we`ve day around here. Extending the children’s interest in physical activities we decided to create an extension of the Olympic games with different physical movement learning based on Olympic sport and we brought it to our classroom. So excited to be involved into the games our friends loved. The children were able to practice different sports and also spend the day gravitating between indoor and outdoor.
Some of the sports our friends had an opportunity to engage today:
- CYCLING – Using our little wooden balance bikes our friends could practice cycling around in the playground, they pushed very hard and very fast all the way around the yard.
- RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS – Our rhythmic gymnastics was practicing using the hoop, our friends enjoyed hula hooping around their hands and waist.
- ATHLETICS – In the athletic modalities we had running races and athletic obstacles using the colourful cones for our friends going around without hitting it.
- GYMNASTICS – The gymnastic time was lead by Miss Jenny from Funky Feet, using a special mattress she taught our little athletes how to do a forward roll safely.
- SPOON RACE – Adding a new category to our mini Olympic games the SPOON RACE was the most fun. Using a big spoon and plastic balls our friends were concentrating so much and had great focus at trying to keep the ball balanced on the spoon as they walked to the finish line.
- Unfortunately the swimming session needed to be CANCEL due the cold weather ( hahah) BUT we replaced it for a fabulous musical chair game, our friends are getting so much better in following the instruction to walking around the chair and when the music stops sit down!
Is nice to remind how physical activity is essential for the children development. Benefits of physical activity include: strong bones, joints and muscles, healthy heart and lungs, improved coordination, strength, muscle control and flexibility, maintaining a healthy body weight and less risk of later disease in life. Also, games such as those really help our friends to learn social skills such as turn-taking and cooperating, and also enhance each child’s problem-solving abilities. It is also a wonderful way to engage in the sports.♥
To fill up the children’s little bodies after our fun and physical plays today it was essential to have some healthy and nutritive food .
For morning tea today we had a yummy chickpea , sweet potato and tahini muffins, banana, mandarin and strawberry rice cakes.
For lunch time had a delicious Mexican fajitas.
The children are surprising us every day with how increasingly independent they are becoming at the meal times! ♥
Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy.
This afternoon we will have our awards ceremony where our little friends will win the GOLD MEDAL for their amazing participation in our mini Olympic games!
We wish you all a great weekend!! Stay safe and look forward to all our friends back on Monday in the BEST CRAZY HAIR STYLE FOR CRAZY HAIR DAY!
With love,
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope xxx