Hello Families and welcome to our fantastic Friday♥
What a groovy day it has been and I look forward to telling you all about it. This morning started off with the children stepping outside to start their morning adventure. From sculpting and building sandcastles to going up and down on the sea saw, riding the bikes throughout the playground and climbing through the jungle ”netted bridge”. It was a lovely morning spent outside before the rain came down BUT it was perfect timing as we were heading inside for morning tea.
Just before we had morning tea we all came together on the mat for a group time with Miss Jess and Miss Hope. To have everyone’s listening ears Miss Jess began doing ‘Copy Me Actions’ and asking the children if they can put their hand on their ‘Nose” and so on. This worked so well as the children were ALL so engaged. We then read the same book as yesterday ”We are One” When Miss Jess read it she had asked a variety of questions such as ”Can you see the dolphin” Or ” Do we all share the same moon and sun?” and so forth. They all had answers and were eager to say something which was awesome!
When group time was finished we then proceeded to sing our transition song to wash hands before they ate their scrumptious morning tea. As they finished they headed to the mat as they chose their own stories to read as Miss Jenny was setting up for DANCE!!! In dance today the children made a boat and rowed to ”Row, row your boat” They then boogied to a few more songs before they did a colour song game where the person with the colour it said had to FREEZE! This was a great game for colour recognitions. We then said thank you to Jenny before we all skipped outside for another exploration before a tasty lunch and a reenergising rest for this afternoons wonder of fun and excitement.
Thank you for today and this week.
Have a safe and well weekend and Happy Fathers Day.
See you next week xx
Miss Jess, Miss Hope and Miss Lauren x
P.S Finley missing his elephant and wondering if it accidently was misplaced in someone’s bag, attached below is the image of his elephant.