07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello families and friends!!!

Today we welcome our friends Dominic, Lachlan H, Hendrix and Charlotte with Miss Thais.

We started our day having a morning tea, we had some yogurt and fruits today. During the morning tea we had a visit in our room and the kids loved watching them. Dominic was fascinated looking them and pointing at the same time. Charlotte said: “They are climbing up there”.

The children have shown interest in helping after meals by throwing the food in the bin and putting the bowls in the container for washing. They are such a good helpers!

After morning tea was time to get ready with their hats and sunscreen and go outside, because Miss Thais set up an activity with some water, sand and sea animals for them to play. They had so much fun splashing the water, mixing the sand with water and put the animals in the water. Charlotte found a rock and Miss Thais asked everyone “-Do you think that it sink or float?” They were so excited to watch what is happened with the experience.

While we were playing outside Miss Jen arrived for Funky Feet Dance. We decided to dance outdoor in the stage. Some friends from Toddler one came and joined us for a dancing. Was really nice to see all of them participated!

Later in the morning Lachlan B and Dominic showed interest in the wooden blocks while Charlotte and Hendrix were building with Puzzles

Was a lovely day in Toddlers two!

Have a good wekeend!

Miss Thais