Today Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Alanis, Lachlan H, Charlotte, Luca, Hendrix and Lachlan B.

Today we celebrated and supported remembrance day here in the toddler two room by painting red poppies, while painting the poppies with the red water paint our friend Hendrix said ”it’s my name Shelby” when Miss Shelby was witting his name on the paper and he said ” poppy Shelby” and Charlotte said ” it’s red” while painting her poppy.

At 11am we had 1 minute silence, our friends Lachlan, H, Charlotte, Lachlan B, Alanis did a great job at sitting and listening to the last post song that was playing in the playground. Miss Shelby also taught the children to show respect by holing their hand up to their chest and also to say ” Lest we forget” which Charlotte, Hendrix and Lachlan B did a wonderful job at copying Miss Shelby saying these words.

Today Miss Shelby extended on the children’s interest of water play by bringing in some bath toys and a swimming duck toy to add in the water tough, as well as bringing in some recyclable materials as we will be focusing on recycling this week with it being NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK.The children gathered around the water tough to watch Miss Shelby show them how the duck can swim in the water , they were busy exploring the different sea animal bath toys, Charlotte said ” i did it” when she pressed the button on the duck to make it swim in the water, we then came inside for yoga before getting our hats on and going back outside for more play with the water activity.

If you have any recycling materials at home that you would like to share with us please can you bring them in as we woild love to use them for recycling week.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais