Sunshine Monday
Hello and welcome back from the weekend. What a lovely start to the week it has been today, I look forward to you reading all about it.
The journey started with the children stepping outside into the fresh air and warm sun where they began to venture around the playground in seek of their adventure. All children enjoyed a variety of spontaneous play from making sandcastles in the sandpit, reading books they selected in the chill zone, climbing over the obstacle course, and riding around on the bikes.
We then came together on the veranda to have a big drink of water before we moved inside for group time. In group time today Miss Jess began with ‘copy me actions’ to gain their attention before reading the book ‘Dot’ as Kynell picked it from the shelf. Afterwards we sang the transition song to wash hands before they enjoyed their delicious and refreshing morning tea.
When they had finished, they swiftly packed away and freely explored their indoor environment. Kynell and Jackson worked together to build tall towers with the wooden blocks, soon after Indi, Mathias, Cameron, Noah and Beau were intrigued and wondered over to build towers too with Miss Jade. Peyton and Mia loved looking after the ‘babies’ meanwhile Charlie and Thomas were happily driving the cars around on the car mat.
Miss Hope then got our group art activity ready, we all helped to pack away before we put our art smocks on as we paint the carboard with different colours, blue, green, yellow, and pink to create colourful dinosaur eggs as we continue learning about dinosaurs from last week. The children love all the fun and cool activities. We had a blast painting the egg-shaped cardboard and having a feel of the textures in the paint as we rubbed the paint onto our hands.
All children were able to have another adventure outside before it was time to come inside for a scrumptious lunch and a reenergising rest for what fun is installed for this afternoon.
Thank you all for today♥
See you all soon,
Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Jess xx