Happy Monday
Hello and welcome to our imaginative Monday where we kick off the first day of BOOK WEEK! The children were eager to set foot outside and to show their awesome costumes inspired by books! As the morning went on, they enjoyed riding the bikes, digging in the sandpit, going up and down on the sea saw and so much more! We then came inside to greet everyone and start our group time. In group time today Miss Gabi read ‘’Pirates in Pyjamas’’ All children happily took a pirate hat to join in throughout the story. Noah then came up to do show and tell in front of his peers. Noah was SUPER BRAVE and CONFIDENT in showing his pictures of when he went to Australia Zoo! To end group time, we sang the transition song to wash hands for a very delicious morning tea which was delicious Blueberry quinoa Breakfast with medley of seasonal fresh Fruits
As the children packed away, they freely roamed around the classroom. Indi thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the chair reading ‘’Pirates in Pyjamas’’ as she flicked through the pages looking at the funny illustrations. Noah was very excited to play with the pirate hook! Kynell, Beau explored home corner. Thomas, Charlie, and Mathias liked putting the balls down the pipes! Cameron enjoyed playing with the cars as he drove them around on the car mat and wall! Mia and Peyton were happily role playing with the babies.
Someone special was here to see us! Alice from ‘’Alice In Wonderland’’!! We all swiftly helped to pack away to head next door to Toddlers One as we sat down ready for Alice! Alice was here to read her book, sing songs and dance and taking a trip down the rabbit hole into a magical land where Alice showed us magic and more. The children were ALL intrigued, listened and followed so nicely. They were all engaged and LOVED every moment! After the show we said Thankyou before adventuring outside.
Miss Hayley greeted us in the double slide yard for YOGA. In yoga today the children were able to do a balance course before laying down on their backs as Miss Hayley let the rainbow blankets flow over us. We then slowly stood up and grabbed our rainbow blanket to do some flow dancing too! It was a lovely way to finish yoga and or time outside before we came inside for a tasty lunch before we headed to our beds for an energised rest.
Now the children are in bed listening a quiet music relaxing their little bodies and minds for another BIG ADEVENTURE this afternoon!!
check out the photos!
With Love,
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope