Hello and welcome to our joyful day in the Toddlers Two Room. This morning the children began their day in Toddlers One as we waited for more children arrive before we ventured to our room. As the children came into their room, they gravitated straight towards the dinosaur land set up on the tables! Noah, Cameron, Indi, Jackson, and Mathias enjoyed roaring like dinosaurs as they played with one another and hiding their dinosaurs throughout the wooden blocks. As more children arrived, they explored a variety of spontaneous activities such as the following.
- Dressing up as lions, butterflies, and ladybugs
- Reading books in the relaxing area
- Driving the cars up and down the ramps and through the towns on the car mats.
Outdoor exploration:
As the rain stopped, we decided to swiftly pack away before heading outside to make the most of a morning adventure in case it rained again. From playing in the sandpit to riding the bikes and using great hand and eye coordination skills as they throw and catch the balls, they had a wonderful time in the lovely outdoors and fresh air.
It was then time for everyone to join inside on the mat for group time. This week we will be focusing on the alphabet. In group time Miss Jess started off by singing the ‘’ABC’’ song before reading the Alphabet dinosaur book. To finish group time, we put on ‘’A is for Apple’’ and sang along to it. The children showed great interest and eagerness to learn throughout group time today. The children then washed their hands and got ready for a delicious morning tea.
Indoor exploration:
- Role-playing in-home corner was a favourite for Peyton, Mia, and Olive. They sat together at the picnic table with the ‘food’ and their babies, feeding and caring for them.
- Building towers and car ramps with the large wooden blocks
- Spontaneous reading in the relaxing area
At the table the children were able to do something special for our lovely Miss Hope as today is her 21st Birthday!!!!!! Miss Hope is away today and tomorrow but will be back Wednesday to celebrate with all of us here at Riversdale Early Learning Centre. The children then were able to freely roam outside for another adventure before a nutrient lunch and a reactivating rest for this afternoons whirl of joy.
Thank you all for today♥
See you all soon,
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Jess.F xx