Happy Monday everyone, we hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Miss Shelby and ,Miss Thais welcome our friends Charlotte, Luca, Lachlan H, Kezia, Alanis, Lachlan B and Hendrix.

After a play outside with our toddler one friends we joined Miss Shelby and Miss Thais on the mat for group time where we sang and did the actions to songs. Hendrix said he wanted row row row your boat so our friends held hands as we sang the song, Charlotte asked for baby shark so we sang and did the actions to the song with our friends Hendrix and Lachlan H also joining in doing the actions. We also sang and did the actions to wheels on the bus which all the children loved dancing along to and doing all the different actions and twinkle, twinkle littler star as Luca said ”star” our friends Charlotte, Lachlan B and Hendrix showed us how they can do a diamond with their fingers.

Group time allows and encourages the children to express their own feelings and ideas in  their interactions with Miss Shelby. Miss Thais and their friends. It is so wonderful seeing all the children getting involved as a group and interacting with their peers.

Miss Shelby asked the children what coloured play dough they wanted to make for the Grandparents afternoon tea today , Charlotte and Hendrix responded by saying ”green” so Miss Shelby then collected the play dough ingredients and together the children sat down around the table with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais to help make the green play dough. The children helped to put the cup of salt, spoon full of oil, cream of tartar and cup of flour into the mixing bowl and also had a turn at mixing all the ingredients together. They also watched as Miss Shelby poured some green food colouring into the mixing bowl and watched as she mixed it together to turn the dough green, Luca responded by saying ”wow”.

After making the play dough the children were excited to play with it so Miss Shelby brought out some rolling pins and different animal cutters for them to make things out of the play dough.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais