07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Monday we hope you all had a wonderful weekend, today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph would like to welcome our new friend Henry and his family to the centre. We also welcome our friends Luca, Alanis, Alexia, Lachlan and Everly.

Miss Steph thought it would be a fun idea to make some play dough on the table, our friends Alexia, Luca, Lachlan H and Everly gathered around the table to watch as Miss Steph poured the flour, salt, water and green paint onto the table to create the play dough. They also then got to use their hands to mix the ingredients together on the table to combine all the ingredients to make the play dough mixture.

Miss Shelby brought out some coloured paddle pop sticks where we sang Happy Birthday to our new friend Henry as its his 2nd Birthday tomorrow while pretending to make cakes with the play dough and used the paddle pop sticks as the candles. Everly showed confidence as she use the paddle pop sticks to stand up the play dough using her fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination skills to do this, Lachlan H and Alanis were busy exploring the different play dough cutters.

The children also had the choice in what activities they wanted to do today with:

Alanis exploring and playing with the dinosaur figurine

Luca – figuring out how to connector the floor tractor puzzle

Alexia- turtle shape pop up toy

Lachlan H- pressing the keys on the musical keyboard book

The children are doing a wonderful job at resting their bodies at sleep time with all our friends having a sleep on their beds.

Miss Shelby and Miss