Today we had a very fun and busy day of learning and exploring in the toddler two room, we welcome our friends Ivy, Dominic, Charlotte, Quinn, Alanis, Latika, Hendrix and Luca with ,Miss Shelby and Miss Thais.
This morning while playing outside Dominic was busy having fun at throwing the ball into the basket ball hoop over and over again, Quinn demonstrated confidence in balancing as she walked along the wooden bridge, Luca was rocking forwards and back on the rocker ,Charlotte explored the bugs using the magnify glass and Hendrix also looked at the bugs-saying spider while looking at the spider.
Miss Shelby brought out some boxes for the children to pretend they were driving a car, while Ivy and Charlotte sat in the boxes Miss Shelby sang ”take you driving in my car”. Ivy responded by saying ” car” and Charlotte responded by saying ” honk, honk”.
Miss Shelby also sang row, row , row your boat while our friends took it in turns to sit in the boxes. Luca responded by screaming when Miss Shelby sang ” if you see a crocodile don’t forget to scream”.
Miss Shelby brought out the water tough this morning , we added some water and animals into the water for the children to play with. Together in a group the children explored the different objects in the water, they also got a little wet as they had fun splashing the water.
Hendrix pretended he was washing a toy wombat using a cup to fill up with water and then pour the water over the wombat, Luca brought over some cars to add into the tough where him and Ivy shared the cars together and used them to move through the water , Alanis washed a toy car using the cup to fill up with water and then pour over the car and Latika explored the different animals in the tough.
Today we continued to focus on colour recognition by doing a coloured shaped puzzle sorting activity, our friends Hendrix, Quinn, Dominic, Luca, Latika, Alanis , Ivy had a turn at placing the coloured shapes onto the correct puzzle stick.
Miss Shelby talked about the colours of the puzzle- Charlotte said yellow, Latika said blue and Hendrix said pink.
The children stood at the window watching Mr Daniel do Arakan with toddler one, when it was our turn the children adventured outside where they did running to pick up some objects Daniel threw and also had a turn at practicing their punches on the gloves.
Before having lunch Miss Shelby sat down to sing 5 cheeky monkeys using her crocodile puppet, monkeys and tree, the children showed kindness and gentleness as they got to give the crocodile a cuddle, kiss and pat on the hat.
Miss Shelby and Miss Thais