Hello families and friends

Today we started our day Outdoor engaged in the sandpit with Miss Gaby where we had the opportunity to build sand castle and also made cake and singing “Happy Birthday” together. Parker and Alia helped Miss Steph to pack away the toys after play. We continue learning our self help skills by packing away our resources after play.

For our Group time story today we chose “Big mouth” which we all listened to as Miss Thais read it to us as we went to the back to the room and checked our Ocean wall.

We also enjoyed singing some of our nursery rhymes and we very proudly danced the Brazilian song “Meow” that Miss Thais has been singing for us.

We played some instruments and making some noises around the Room… We also continue to practice our motor skills through different activities inside the Room. We used the tongs to carefully collect the pom poms and place them into the recycled egg cartons…

Other play experiences today included construction play with the Lego, role play with the baby dolls, dolls house, blocks…

We’ve had a great day together.  Thanks friends.

Love Miss Thais