Good afternoon Toddler two family and friends!
We have had a fabulous day here in toddlers two room today filled with excitement and laughter. We started this beautiful day like every other, welcoming all our amazing friends into the yard with warm welcoming cuddles and very big smiles. All or the children were so thrilled to come into the yard to play with all their friends. Whilst everyone was arriving, we played on the playground structure, rode our bikes supper fast through the playground, using the big shovels to dig big holes in the sand pit, transporting sand with the digger and writing fun things into the sand. It was such a beautiful day to play outdoors.
Shortly after all the fun outdoors it was time to go inside and sit on the mat for group time. All our friends walked into the room very quietly and sat down on the mat ready to go, when they were moving to go and sit down they quickly grabbed a book off the bookshelf to read to themselves individually. It was so amazing to see the children do this all on their own without anyone telling them. Miss Jess then took a seat with a special surprise behind her back, she reached behind and pulled out a bag full of amazing books and asked the children who had brought them in, Noah replied with “ME! Those are my books”. Miss Jess then shared the books around and explained to the children that Noah’s family has brought us in some special books for us to all share. We were all very excited as we absolutely love our books. So, a big special thank you Michelle! To continue with group time Miss Jess read us one of our new books called ‘there was an old bloke who swallowed a chook’. Then we sung some fun songs like “the incy winsy spider”, “miss polly had a dolly”, “five cheeky monkeys” and to finish up group time Miss Jess sung with the class “bee, bee bumble bee” to transition onto washing hands and sitting at the table ready for morning tea.
For morning tea, we had delicious pumpkin, chia and apple waffles with bananas. As we had bananas, we through it would be fun to use our plastic knifes to cut up or own bananas. The children did such and amazing job a peeling the own bananas and cutting them all on their own. Once we finished, we packed away our things and had a little play indoors. To extend our learning from cutting the bananas with knifes we pulled out our magnetic fruit to cut in home corner. the children loved cutting all the wooden fruit as well as peeling them.
We then moved to play outdoors as Miss Gabi had a special science experiment for us to come out and watch. In the science experiment there was a big sand volcano in the tray and Miss Gabi had some bicarb soda in the middle of the volcano, once she added some vinegar into the middle there was a large eruption in the volcano. It was such a fun and exciting experiment to watch once we had finished, we decided to continue our play in the side yard as we got to play on the two big slides and climbed up and through the climbing structures.
For lunch we had delicious loaded butter chicken with turmeric rice.
Thank you so much for such an amazing day! We have had so much fun here in toddlers two room. We hope you have a wonderful end to your Thursday.
Much love Mis Hope, Miss Gabi and Miss Jess