Hello families and Friends, 😊
Happy Thursday and welcome to Toddlers 2 classroom.

Wow, what a amazing playful day we`re having around here today. Our day began with our friends to be welcomed in the playground area for Miss Hope and our friends for toddlers 1. Sharing cuddles and giggles, everybody was so excited to explore the environment around.
Riding the balance bike around the yard, playing in the sandpit, and taking turn in the swing were our favourite pastime this morning. It’s so nice to see our friends enjoying each other’s company in the play moments. 😊

The time goes so fast when you are having much fun with our mates, then it was time to start our morning routines and coming inside to our class for our group time and morning tea.
We started our group time today Miss Hope singing our favourite rhyme song with the kids, they asked for “Miss Polly ha a dolly”, “Wheels on the bus” and “baa baa black sheep” songs. Then was turn to Miss Gabi read a book to the kids, today the choice was “The magic creatures book”, the children love to see the big colourful pages and hear about the magic creature, in the last page of the book talks about the GIANT what is the favourite part, when we got in that page today, Jackson said: “Its Daddy” then Noah and Cameron completed “My daddy too” then everybody start saying “its my dad” – very cute. ♥
Then it was time to sing “bee bee bumble” and smoothie transition to hand wash and morning tea.

For morning tea today, we had a delicious Magic Breaky Muffin with seasonal fresh fruits.

Once we packed our morning tea staff way and with our tummies full was time for another adventure. This morning we decided to stay inside and explore our classroom. Looking for self interest toys and games the children enjoy engaging in:
– Problem solving with puzzles
– Building with the large blocks
– Home corner
– relaxing in the group mat reading books,
– Drawing using texters.

The time flew by as before we knew it, it was time to our beds before heading outside for a lovely adventure before we came in for lunch and a reenergized rest.

For lunch time today we had a yummy Crispy potato Rosti and vegie Pom poms served with a delicious self-select salad bar.

This afternoon as the children woke up and had a BIG stretch, we got ready for afternoon tea before having a joyful evening with our peers and teachers.
Thank you so much for today!