Welcome back and welcome to 2020, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, New year and break with your families.
We would like to welcome Miss Steph to the toddlers two room this year along side Miss Shelby, today we welcome our friends Dominic, Luca and Alanis and Everly back. We would also like to welcome our new friend Harvey and his family to the centre and Willow who has moved up last year from the babies room.
While eating morning tea Miss Shelby asked what their favorite fruit is and Harvey responded by saying ”banana and watermelon”.
Miss Shelby went shopping over the holidays to buy some new toys, together she showed the children what she had brought. We then got to explore the different puzzles, while looking at the different coloured puzzle pieces our friends Luca and Dominic found the yellow star and said ”star ” as they showed Miss Shelby. Miss Shelby then extended on their interest by singing twinkle, twinkle, little star” Luca and Dominic both responded by singing along. Alanis was busy looking at the different coloured puzzles pieces and found the black cat and the blue whale, she showed Miss Shelby and said ” blue”. Harvey used the wooden knife to pretend he was cutting the fruit pieces of the puzzles and Luca was playing with the walking puppy toy that walks and cries, he said ” hi puppy”.
Miss Shelby brought some new books to continue doing conversational reading as this allows the children to develop their language skills. Alanis and Everly especially enjoyed looking at the book Where’s Mr Lion? flip flap and mirror book with Alanis making ”raggh” noises as she found the lion hiding behind the flap and also finding the giraffe. Everly pointed to the crocodile she found on the page and our friends Harvey, Luca and Alanis had a look at themselves in the mirror with Harvey saying ” hello” as he recognised himself in the mirror.
Just a quick reminder if your child has a milk bottle please complete the bottle register form daily ( on locker area) and place milk in fridge, all medication including nappy creams to be taken out of child’s bag and given to educator as well as completing a medication form if needed for your child.
We all be creating a family tree in our room and would love if you could please bring in a family photo or if it is early you can email a photo to the centre’s email address.
Miss Shelby and Miss Steph